Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cold Weather Cook

I love summer, but I think I'd starve without "winter" cooking.  My absolute strong suit:  baking!  My Grandmother (the NOT southern one that was a really good cook) used to tell me "There's a proper way to do things.  It's not just throwing things in a bowl."  She was my go-to person when I was first married and learning to cook for everyday meals, not just follow recipes for special occasions.  In recent years, I've looked to the scientific culinary genius that is Alton Brown to learn more about how cooking works.  I've not made anyone sick yet with my cooking, but baking is definitely my forte.  Breads, quick breads, cookies, cakes, muffins...there's my element.  Most recently, I've been looking to eliminate refined sugars and flours in these goods without making them inedible. I've not had trouble finding taste-testers!

I've also been a fan of slow-cooking, both in the oven and in the crock pot.  This could get more tricky this year, as we've nearly eliminated meat in our regular menus.  I'll be playing with legumes, mushrooms and whole grains more, learning new things about seasonings and cooking methods to come up with hearty, warming winter meals.  It should be fun!  I'll post the stuff worth sharing, and would love to read whatever input you have along the way.

Here's to yummy, warm comfort food!

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